June 28
17:00 - 19:00 |
Registration |
Science Museum main entrance |
June 29
8:30 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Welcome Session |
QCD Session |
Chair: M. Campbell, Michigan, USA |
9:30 |
"Heavy Flavor production in Hadronic Collisions" |
Franco Bedeschi |
10:00 |
"QCD jets: production and fragmentation" |
V. Daniel Elvira |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: B. Aubert, LAAP - IN2P3 - CNRS |
11:00 |
"Very High Q2- results from HERA" |
Georges Cozzika |
11:30 |
"The Spin Structure of the Nucleon"
Edward R. Kinney |
12:00 |
"The Search for the Quark Gluon Plasma:past, present and future experiments" |
Jorge Dias Deus |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Chair: G. Bellini, A. Bettini, Univ. of Milano and INFN |
14:00 |
"Standard Model Phenomenology from Lattice QCD"
Vittorio Lubicz |
14:30 |
"Light mesons from decays of tau lepton and D mesons" |
A. C. dos Reis |
15:00 |
"Diffraction at HERA and TEVATRON"
Nicolò Cartiglia |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
HF Session |
Chair: W. Blum, MPI Munich and CERN |
16:00 |
"Recent Results in Charm Physics" |
John Perry Cumalat |
16:30 |
"B physics at BELLE" |
Sun Kee Kim |
17:00 |
"First year of the BaBar experiment data taking" |
Marc Verderi |
17:30 |
"Status of epsilon prime" |
Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard |
June 30
New Phenomena |
Chair: J.-M. Brom, IReS Strasbourg |
9:00 |
"Collider Signals for Extra Dimensions" |
JoAnne Hewett |
9:30 |
"Searches for Exotics at Colliders (LEP, HERA and TEVATRON)"
António Onofre |
10:00 |
"The Search for the Higgs Boson at LEP" |
Chiara Mariotti |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Electro-Weak |
Chair: E.-E. Kluge, Heidelberg University |
11:00 |
"W Physics at LEP" |
Ann Moutoussi |
11:30 |
"Z Physics" |
Simonetta Gentile |
12:00 |
"Neutrino Overview" |
Gianluigi Fogli |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Chair: F. L. Fabbri, Lab. di Frascati, INFN |
HF Session (cont.) |
14:00 |
"New B Physics results and their impact on CKM parameter"
Harris Kagan |
Posters |
14:30 |
Posters Session (main auditorium) |
16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 |
Posters Session |
20:00 |
Conference Dinner |
July 1
Electro-Weak (cont.) |
Chair: A. Goshaw, Duke University |
9:00 |
"Recent results on atmospheric neutrinos" |
Takaaki Kajita |
9:30 |
"Progress and Prospects for Solar Neutrino Experiments" |
David Sinclair |
Other Topics |
Chair: J. Grunhaus, Tel Aviv University |
10:00 |
"Recent results on the search for signals from the Dark Universe by the DAMA experiment"
Rita Bernabei |
10:30  |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Soo-Bong Kim, Seoul National University |
11:00 |
"Recent Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment"
Richard Gaitskell |
11:30 |
"An overview of the Cosmic Ray measurements in Space by the Wizard collaboration" |
Piero Spillantini |
12:00 |
"The search for the origin of extremely high energy cosmic rays" |
Masaki Fukushima |