XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Standard Model Phenomenology from Lattice QCD"
Session: QCD
Author: Vittorio Lubicz
Institution: Universit� di Roma Tre
Download: PIC20-Vittorio.Lubicz-Word.tgz (Word Docs., 2.678MB)
PIC20-Vittorio.Lubicz.tgz (HTML, 3.392MB)
1: Phenomenology of the Standard Model Phenomenology from Lattice QCD
2: Standard Model Free Parameters in the Quark Sector
3: Quark Masses
4: The Strange Quark Mass
5: The b-quark Mass
6: The Unitarity Triangle from Lattice QCD
7: The Ds-meson Decay Constant

8: B0-B0 Mixing
9: The Kaon b-parameter
10: The CKM Unitarity Triangle: A "Lattice-based" Analysis
11: The B0s-mesons Lifetime Difference
12: epsilon' op. epsilon and Direct CP Violation
13: Lattice QCD
14: Conclusions

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