XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "B physics at BELLE"
Session: HF
Author: Sun Kee Kim
Institution: Seoul National University
Download: PIC20-Sun.Kee.Kim.tgz (HTML, 1.472MB)
1: B physics at BELLE
2: BELLE Collaboration
3: KEKB Accelerator
4: Accelerator Performance
5: The Belle Detector
6: Vertexing
7: Tracking
8: Particle ID
9: Kaon
10: Tracking + PID
11: Performance of EM Calorimeter
12: Performance of EM Calorimeter
13: Electron
14: Muon & KL
15: Tracking + PID + Calorimetry
16: Charm Mesons
17: Life Time of Charm mesons
18: Charm Meson: Ds

19: B0B-bar0 Mixing
20: B life time from dilepton events
21: B->J/psiKs(J/psi->e+e-, Ks->pi+pi-)
22: B->J/psiKs(Ks->pi0pi0)
23: B->J/psiKL
24: Inclusive J/psi
25: B->J/psiK+-
26: J/psiKs
27: Flavor Tagging
28: CP Asymmetry
29: B-->D0pi-, D0K-
30: B-->D*pi, D*K
31: B->K*gama candidate
32: B->K*gama
33: Prospect
34: Prospect
35: Summary

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