An updated analysis using about 1.5 million events recorded
= MZ
with the DELPHI detector in 1994 is presented.
Eighteen infrared and collinear safe event shape observables
are measured as a function of the polar angle of the thrust axis.
The data are compared to theoretical calculations in
including the event orientation.
Detailed studies of the renormalization scale dependence of the
predictions have been performed, including fits
applying experimentally optimized renormalization scale values as well as
theoretically motivated scale setting prescriptions. It is found,
that in general the predictions fail to describe the data if
a renormalization scale value
2 = M22
is applied.
In this case, the slope of the observed distributions is not well described
and the stability of
with respect to a variation
of the fit range is poor. The deviations with respect to the data propagate
into the matched predictions of
next-to-leading log approximation (NLLA), making them also
inappropriate for an accurate description of the high precision data.
An excellent description of the 18 event shape distributions in
precision is obtained if the renormalization scale value
is fitted to the individual data distributions. The stability of the fits
with respect to a variation of the fit range is very good.
The scale values obtained from the fits are found to be similar to those
predicted by the effective charge method (ECH) and the principle
of minimal sensitivity (PMS).
The influence of higher order contributions was also investigated
by using the method of Padé approximants for an estimate of the
contribution and for the sum of the
perturbative series. The renormalization scale dependence of the Padé
predictions is largely reduced with respect to the
A combined fit of
and of the renormalization scale
to the 18 oriented event shape distributions yields
a perfectly consistent set of 18 measurements of the strong coupling.
A weighted average from 18 observables including quark mass effects
and correlations yields
s(M2z) = 0.1174 +- 0.0026.
The final result, derived from the jet cone energy fraction, the observable
with the smallest theoretical and experimental uncertainty, is