XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Diffraction at HERA and TEVATRON"
Session: QCD
Author: Nicoḷ Cartiglia
Institution: INFN Turin
Download: PIC20-Nicolo.Cartiglia.ps (PostScript, 4.501MB)
PIC20-Nicolo.Cartiglia.pdf (PDF, 1.693MB)
PIC20-Nicolo.Cartiglia.tgz (HTML, 2.153MB)
1: Diffraction at HERA and the TEVATRON
2: Diffraction at HERA and the TEVATRON
3: Why diffraction?
4: Diffractive events are defined as those events mediated by pomeron exchange
5: Experimental signature: Repidity gap
6: Experimental signature: Leading proton in the final state
7: Selection Methods
8: Selection Method: Leading Proton
9: CDF Proton Spectrometer
10: How do we get to know a Pomeron?
11: Models of Diffraction: Soft Physics and QCD
12: Models of Diffraction: Soft Physics and QCD
13: Diffraction: Kinematics
14: Inclusive Diffraction
15: QCD analysis of ~FIP2(Q2, beta) (H1)
16: The Partonic Structure
17: The Partonic Structure
18: The Partonic Structure of the Pomeron
19: Diffractive Dijets with Leading Antiproton, CDF

20: TEVATRON-HERA comparison
21: Double - Single Pomeron Exchange
22: 2-3 jet Production in Diffractive Events
23: Dijet Studies: partonic content
24: Diffractive Production of D*
25: Diffraction in pp-bar
26: Diffraction in pp-bar
27: Summary on Inclusive Diffraction
28: Vector Meson production: pQCD and soft physics
29: Examples of Soft Scale Reactions
30: W dependence in soft and hard processes
31: pQCD: the Skewed Parton Distribution
32: Diffractive jet production
33: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS)
34: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS)
35: Large Q2: restoration of SU(4) symmetry
36: 'b' values in hard processes
37: Summary on Vector meson production
38: Summary and Outlook

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