XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "The search for the origin of extremely high energy cosmic rays"
Session: Other Topics
Author: Masaki Fukushima
Institution: Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Download: PIC20-Masaki.Fukushima.tgz (HTML, 1.904MB)
1: The search for the origin of extremely high energy cosmic rays
2: Fluxes of Cosmic Rays
3: Extensive Air Shower
5: Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA)
6: AGASA Event with E=2x1020eV
7: Energy Spectrum by AGASA
8: Hillas diagram for possible acceleration sites
9: Deflection of Protons by Galactic Magnetic Field
10: Greisen - Zatsepin - Kuzmin (GZK) Cut-off
11: Energy Spectrum by AGASA
12: EHECR: Particle Physics Origin?
13: High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) In Utah, USA
14: Total Absorption Calorimeter by Air Fluorescence

15: A HiRes Monocular Event (Preliminary)
16: Typical Stereo HiRes Event: July 11, 1999
17: Combined Energy Spectrum
18: Cosmic Rays with E>1020eV
19: Pierre Auger Observatory
20: Southern Auger Site (Mendosa, Argentina)
21: Construction Plan
22: Telescope Array (in Utah, USA)
23: Artist's View of one Telescope Array Station
24: Identification of EHE Gamma Rays by Xmax
25: The Search for the Origin of Super-GZK Particles
26: EUSO-OWL/Air Watch project(s)
27: Summary

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