XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Recent Results in Charm Physics"
Session: HF
Author: John Perry Cumalat
Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder
Download: PIC20-John.Perry.Cumalat.ps (PostScript, 3.971MB)
PIC20-John.Perry.Cumalat.pdf (PDF, 15.672MB)
PIC20-John.Perry.Cumalat.tgz (HTML, 1.354MB)
1: Searching for Mixing in the Charm Sector
2: Lecture Outline
3: Charm Mixing Experiments
4: Background
5: Background
6: Mixing Theory
7: Mixing Theory Cont.
8: Theoretical Guidance
9: Mixing Search Methods
10: DCSD Interference
11: Simplifying Assumptions
12: Mixing Searches
13: CLEO 11.V Wrong Sign Mixing Search

14: CLEO 11.V Wrong Sign Signal
15: Time Dependence Forms for Mixing and DCSD
16: Fit of Time Dependence for Mixing and DCSD
17: CLEO Mixing Fit Results
18: Mixing Limit Comparisons
19: CP Lifetime Searches
20: Lifetime Measurements
21: FOCUS Mass Plots
22: Background Lifetime
23: Fitting Technique
24: Sub. Time Evolutions
25: x,y Comparisons
26: Summary and Concluding Remarks

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