XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Experimental Probes of Extra Dimensions"
Session: New Phenomena
Author: JoAnne Hewett
Institution: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA
Download: PIC20-JoAnne.Hewett.tgz (HTML, 1.377MB)
1: Collider Signals for Extra Dimensions
2: Classes of Models
3: Low-Scale Quantum Gravity
4: Constraints from Cavendish-type experiments
5: Physics of 3-branes-string theory
6: Bulk Metric
7: Massless (mode) graviton + all tower graviton have the same coupling to matter
8: Two Classes of Collider Tests
9: Examples
10: Graviton Emission: Energy leaking into extra dims!
11: pp->g+G(n)
12: Angular Distributions for e+e-->ff-bar
13: 95% CL Search Reach for Graviton Exchange
14: Confidence Level of fit of spin-2 data to spin-1 hypothesis
15: Drell-Yan Production
16: Drell-Yan Production
17: Drell-Yan Search Reach

18: Summary: Sensitivity to Graviton Exchange
19: 5-D Standard Model
20: Search Reach
21: D=separation of fermions in 5th dimention
22: Localized Gravity ala Randall-Sundrum
23: 4-D Effective Theory
24: 4-D Effective Action
25: Interactions
26: KK Graviton Drell-Yan Spectrum
27: Direct Bump Searches - Tevatron
28: Constrants from Precision Measurements
29: Present Constraints on RS Model
30: Exp't + Theory Constraints
31: Exp't + Theory Constraints
32: Drell-Yan: LHC
33: Summary

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