XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "New B Physics results and their impact on CKM parameter"
Session: HF
Author: Harris Kagan
Institution: Ohio State University
Download: PIC20-Harris.Kagan.tgz (HTML, 3.352MB)
1: New B Physics results and their impact on CKM parameter
2: Introduction
3: Introduction
4: Heavy flavors in the Standatd Model
5: Physics Processes and the CKM Matrix
6: The CKM matrix and Unitarity Triangle
7: The CKM matrix and Unitarity Triangle
8: B Hadron Lifetimes (Vcb)
9: B Hadron Lifetimes (Vcb)
10: Average B Hadron Lifetime
11: Lifetime of B-
12: tau(B-baro)
13: tau(B-)/tau(B-bar-)
14: tau(Bs)
15: tau(b-baryon)(ps)
16: B-Hadron Lifetime Summary
17: B-Hadron Lifetime Summary
18: Bo-B-baro Oscillations (Vtd)
19: deltamd(ps-1)
20: deltamd(ps-1)
21: Amplitude Analysis
22: Amplitude Analysis
23: sin(2betasin(deltamdt) vs ct
24: -log(likewood) vs sin2beta
25: deltam(ps) vs sin2beta
26: Observation of B->pipi, B->Kpi
27: Introduction to B->K+pi- and B->pi+pi-
28: K-pi Separation for B->K+pi-(pi+pi-)
29: Details of Analysis Technique
30: B0->K+pi-, pi+pi-), K+K-
31: B->pi+pi- and B->K+pi-
32: B->Kpi and B->pipi, Summary
33: Determination of gama
34: Terms in the 2
35: Model-dependent determination of gama
36: Current knowledge of the Unitarity Triangle
37: The Competition

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