XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Very High Q2- results from HERA"
Session: QCD
Author: Georges Cozzika
Institution: DAPNIA-CEA/Saclay
Download: PIC20-Georges.Cozzika.pdf (PDF, 1.940MB)
PIC20-Georges.Cozzika.ps (PostScript, 3.535MB)
PIC20-Georges.Cozzika.tgz (HTML, 2.052MB)
1: Cover
2: Overview
3: e-p DIS Kinematics
4: Physics Motivations
5: The Data
6: NC Event Signature
7: dsigma/dQ2 NC: e+-p vs e--p data
8: NC dsigma/dQ2 Compared to Standard Model
9: NC e+p and e-p dsigma/dx
10: Extraction of xF3 from sigma(e+p) and sigma(e-p)
11: NC e+p and e-p xF3 at fixed Q2
12: QCD fit of fixed target and HERA data
13: BSM: Contact Interactions
14: Limits for Compositeness Models
15: Status of HERA Searches for eq Resonances

16: Leptoquarks: Summary of Current Limits
17: Charged Current Interactions (CC)
18: CC event Selection
19: dsigma/dQ2 CC: e+-p vs e--p data
20: CC dsigma/dQ2 Compared to Standard Model
21: Electroweak Unification
22: Test of EW Theory from CC dsigma/dQ2
23: CC e+p and e-p dsigma/dx
24: Parton Densities at High x
25: W Production and Isolated Leptons
26: Isolated Leptons
27: '2000' Update on W & Isolated Leptons
28: Summary
29: Outlook

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