XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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"Polarization Effects in Strangeness and Heavy-Flavor Production"

A. Bravar(a), N. Akchurin(b) and A. Penzo(c)

(a) Department of Physics, University of Mainz, Germany
(b) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, USA
(c) INFN-Trieste, Department of Physics, University of Trieste, Italy

A sizable polarization of hyperons produced at high energy has been known for a long time and has been interpreted with various models in terms of constituent spin. New results on hyperon production measured recently at Fermilab with polarized beams indicate that the mechanisms of spin dependence are more complex than those considered in current models and revive interest in polarization effects in strangeness and heavy-flavor production, from charm to top.

A survey of the present experimental status of the subject is presented, in comparison with current model predictions and new approaches to further test the parton mechanisms of polarization dependence in strangeness and heavy-flavor production are discussed.

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