"Measurement of the top mass using the ATLAS detector - comparison
of several MC generators and reconstruction algorithms"
M. David, A. Gomes
LIP, Lisbon, Portugal
At the LHC it will be possible to measure the mass of the top
quark with unprecedent accuracy. About 8 milion tt pairs are
expected to be produced per year at low luminosity, so the
determination of Mtop will be dominated by the systematic
errors. Some contributions to the systematic errors coming from
MC modelling and reconstruction algorithms are evaluated.
Three generators (Pythia, Herwig and Isajet) are compared
in the production and decay of tt. Several methods for the
reconstruction of the W and top are compared. The reconstruction
algorithms are still being optimized. Systematic errors from
the generators Pythia and Herwig in Mtop were found to be of the
order of 300 MeV.